CALL +1 (530) 651-3050 For A Free Estimate |
Tree TrimmingDid you know that the number one cause of death to trees and shrubs is improper pruning?
We follow the standards set forth by the American National Standards Institute chapter A300. That means you can depend on us to do the job right the first time. If ever you are unsatisfied with our work, we guarantee to work tirelessly until the job is finished. Read below for a few tree care recommendations by the ANSI. |
B1 - Mitigate Risk
Trees can become hazards as they grow. Weak, failed, or broken branches can hang over sidewalks or driveways. Trees may have sustained major damage due to weather or rot/decay and require risk mitigation to help them become safe again. Mitigating risk is among the most important of tree objectives. |
B4 - Restorative Pruning
Restorative pruning is necessary when a tree has been improperly pruned or has sustained a major failure. When a tree has been improperly pruned it can contract diseases and infestations that could potentially kill the tree. |
B5 - Provide Clearance
When trees have been planted too close to a home or building they can often require pruning to mitigate potential damage caused by low-hanging branches. Insects and pests often access buildings via low-hanging branches. Providing clearance also means maintaining city ordinances for Right of Way. |
B6 - Manage Shape or Size
Trees are beautiful when they have been pruned correctly to maintain their size and shape. Some trees require shaping annually, while others require shaping every 3-5 years. Ornamental trees that have been planted for aesthetics require shaping to retain their aesthetic value. |
CALL +1 (530) 651-3050 For A Free Estimate |
Contact Us any time for a free tree service estimate.
We are open 24/7 for emergency tree services.
We are open 24/7 for emergency tree services.
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